Digital Fortress

7 yrs old Gelding | Rating: 13 | Colour: Bay

Date Ref. Dist.
& Rat.
Jockey Equip Hcp Open
Draw 600 400 200 Rank Margin Winner/
Going KG Rat. F.R Comments
433 1850 0-15 R.KULLOO H 56 1700 1600 5 4 4 5 6.35 SUPREME ELEVATION 1.57.58 36.32 N2.8 462 13 - Midfield - no finish - lame
331 1500 0-15 J.ALLYHOSAIN 60 300 450 2 8 8 6 6 Loin CHESTNUT COVE 1.35.10 TPE N2.7 465 13 3.40 Start./stall certificate withdrawn
281 1400 0-15 R.JOORAWON 60 550 500 8 3 2 2 2 4.70 INTOTHEMYSTIC 1.27.10 36.56 N2.7 463 13 2.25 Outpaced by winner
162 1600 0-15 V.BUNDHOO 60.0 9 - - - R THE GYPSY KING 00.00 - N2.8 463 13 - Scratched
91 1500 0-15 A.Roy 59 575 300 5 5 4 4 3 4 The Gypsy King 1.35.76 36,61 N2.8 455 14 1.5 Far 3rd
71 1400 0-15 A.Roy 59,5 1200 820 4 6 6 5 4 1,5 Special Force 1.28.84 35,63 N2.8 456 15 4.5 Held up 400m
347 1650 0-26 J.Allyhosain N 58.5 9-1 11-3 6 6 7 9 9 loin POETIC LICENSE 1.45.22 40.73 N2.8 464 20 3.75 Something amiss
223 1450 0-25 N.S.Batchameah N 56 7-1 6-1 4 8 7 8 8 5.65 DO OR DARE 1.30.31 37.44 N2.8 461 21 3.25 Lacked finish
142 1600 0-25 B.Jacobson N 59.5 9-1 7-1 1 7 6 4 5 3.64 SECRET CIRCLE 1.39.34 37.22 N2.8 455 22 2.75 Catching up
112 1500 0-26 B.Jacobson ON 59 49-1 24-1 1 6 6 5 3 1.48 LOCK DOWN 1.33.84 35.53 N3.2 456 22 - Wide 400m
62 1600 0-26 B.Jacobson BNT 59 - - 4 - - - - - - - - N3.1 465 1.25 Non-starter
12 1365 0-25 A. ROY B1NT1 56.5 1600 2000 7 8 8 8 8 88.88 GLOBAL GLORY 1.50.00 0.00 N2.8 469 - Eased out
2021-12-19 393 1450 B36 K.Ramsamy SN 55 15-1 46-1 2 6 6 6 6 4.25 MANETHEREN 1.28.02 36.19 N2.8 468 No finish
2021-10-30 298 1365 0-25 R.Vaibhav SN 59.5 39-1 39-1 2 8 8 8 8 10.20 SPRY 1.25.67 35.72 N2.8 457 Poor
2021-10-16 279 990 0-25 T.Juglall SN 60 59-1 69-1 8 8 8 8 7 8.00 COUP FOR LUTE 0.57.81 35.26 N2.8 464 Race wide
2021-09-25 238 1450 0-26 R.Vaibhav N 60 49-1 64-1 3 6 8 8 8 loin SKIP THE RED 1.36.06 42.72 N2.8 470 Injured
2021-09-05 202 1365 0-26 B.Sooful UN 60 1 5 5 7 8 loin EMBLEM OF HOPE 1.26.47 40.19 N2.8 463 No finish
2020-11-09 1400 Mdn Plate K. FISHER A 58.0 40/1 33/1 12 7 7.25 TIGHT FIVE 87.37 V/Soft
2020-11-02 1200 Mdn Plate H. GREYLING A 59.0 33/1 80/1 1 10 14.75 MASTER ULETIDE 76.61 S/Soft